Why is this not being covered in domestic media?

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Honestly I am not really sure. I can say of myself that because I do not think like most people is probably the primary reason I have been able to make these kinds of connections and see the situation for what it is, especially in the light of my having spent so much time reading about the Nazi era and having a personal history from during my younger married years of spending a great deal of time in various protestant Christian churches of varying levels of fundamentalist persuasions.

Plus I have been online to some measure or another for just over twenty-six years now and so I have a better than average skill set with which to search for information online that I can use to connect the dots.

But in so far as your question goes, I suppose it really is just that intricately complex that very few people are able to see the interconnections of it all.

The fact that so few seem to even be aware of the extent of this problem is one of the main reasons I have decided to focus all my Substack efforts on developing my findings into relatable or usable information for people to learn from for themselves and to hopefully share with others as wide and as far as possible.

It would be really good if some major journalists could be made aware of these things and encouraged to pursue the lines of discoveries I am finding.

I started this series also because I realized that there is actually a lot of good related information already available online. So now I am looking to create a movement wherein people are made aware of these things and directed to the many online resources available.

I am not a liberal non-profit organization/think tank unfortunately so my reach and influence is severely limited.

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Yabut... I’m thinking they are afraid of becoming targets, directly via White Nationalist and Dominionist threats and indirectly by corporate advertisers pulling ads. NYT, NPR and WAPO have the staffing and intensity to pursue this. But, post Citizens United and the Gingrich fund raising Congressional seniority system, corporate money is insidiously and secretly dominating everything political, including the far right power pyramid folks in your article. Daylight is the cure.

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Nov 24, 2023·edited Nov 24, 2023Author

Indeed "daylight is the cure." Unfortunately though from my perspective I have to wonder how many of the average reading public would genuinely comprehend or understand the deeper issues behind all these problems. For instance right now I have just this very minute been reading some of the more recent short pieces penned by Kevin Roberts the president of the Heritage Foundation, as well as some items that focus from a conservative perspective on the dichotomy of the left/right ideological approaches.

Most of the material I am reading just now is actually quite sophisticated and in order for most of society to truly grasp the problems they would need to really grapple with some ideas and concepts that most never would bother wasting their time trying to understand.

Huxley's Brave New World is almost in some measures a reality, from a right of center perspective, whereas Orwell's 1994 is well within sight for those who are left of center if they keep their eyes clearly on the Christian nationalist movement.

I fear that Americans in general are not generally well equipped intellectually to recognize the very real dangers posed by movement-conservatism's decades long efforts to conservate the most conserved idea of human history, which is namely the idea of deity as the source of all true moral knowledge; which as an idea I find reprehensible due to its rejection of science and reality in and of itself.

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Getting back to your thoughts that main stream media (MSM) journalists and media outlets might be concerned about "becoming targets" and the lines leading to "corporate money...insidiously and secretly dominating everything..." I am not sure that generalization is actually applicable, in particular because it would only work on an assumption that all the potential targets actually comprehend, and/or understand the origins of "White Nationalist and Dominionist threats " as being sourced behind and within Project 2025, as the most visible outward expression of the battle against the liberal consensus.

I myself first became aware of the Project by way of a one sentence mention within a daily Politico email round-up of political activities, and even that mention was not focused on the project but rather brought to light an essay-commentary that discussed the ludicrous idea of Trumpism as a genuinely intellectual idea, which motivated me to dig deeper with the result of discovering Project 2025.

As for current MSM focuses on Project 2025 it seems to me nearly every reporting focus is on the massive 1000+ page plan in and of itself, apart that is from the recent reporting by Politico that I excerpted and commented on in my recent report titled ""Republicans still don’t like the idea of expertise." Excerpts and Experts."

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I had intended to highlight two separate mechanisms of retribution: bludgeoning and money. While coupled within Project 2025 I see them as independent agents.

TFG uses White Nationalist and Dominionist action as tools to literally bludgeon, physically and rhetorically, opponents into submission. MTG’s prodominionist speeches and the 1/6 Proud Boys actions are but two egregious examples. His “political speech” defenses in his court cases are another example. A nuanced imitation of innocence by a dripping fanged growling wolf who is masquerading as a duck isn’t free speech. It’s fear inspiring intimidation hiding behind legal hair splitting, and wrong.

Massive corporate sponsor money is a political tool only enabled via Citizens United and the nondisclosed PACS that arose in its wake. The 85 or so entities sponsoring Project 2025 are all supported by undisclosed donations from oligarchs and corporate America, as are the PACS supporting GOP paleoconservative politicians. Merely looking at the cash flows into PACS following Citizens is sufficient evidence. Worse is that political “leaders” are selected purely by their ability to raise money from corporate and “individual” supporters. Dig into how Representatives spend their time after Gingrich changed the “leadership rules.” Maybe 20% of their time is spent in phone bank call centers speaking with contributors, and not on actual legislative business. McCarthy and Pelosi did not become “leaders” by doing great works. They merely raised more money by making promises that, as “leaders” they may or may not be able to keep. Citizens United merely broke the dam and flooded the political valleys with vast new sources of money.

I suspect that most Americans don’t think deeply about most things. They are too busy just trying to survive each day and have no energy to spend otherwise. Change is difficult for most of them and following a charismatic social personality who appears to care about them is far easier than intellectually deciding a path to follow that they can’t or won’t discuss with their family, friends or neighbors at dinner for fear of offending someone’s cherished beliefs, be they religious or (outdated) political internalizations.

Somehow your excellent work needs to be condensed into “elevator pitch” digestible bites that the public cans grab on the fly.

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Your reply is one of the finest I have read in a very long time. Thank you for such a succinct and excellent comment.

As for my work it is definitely not easy to condense, but I am trying.

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