Robert, thank you for continuing to keep this front and center!

IMO I think it should be THE MAIN topic!

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Hi Robert

For what its worth, my wife agrees with you, she said something is off.

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Thank you Mark, I am confident that she is not alone in her perceptions of the matter.

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We the people, have a right to know if the 2024 election was stolen!

We have a right to demand an investigation!

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Musk is presently attempting to buy Britain via MP Nigel Farage and his far right Reform party with a 100 million bribe. Reform is not an official political party but rather a registered company front for wealthy sponsors. Which brings up the hidden agenda of the global broligarchy: corporate world governance to replace all political nation states. This plan is already well under way in the UK with a series of ‘Free ports’ set up by the Conservative government and now backed by the Labour, which carve up GB into legally independent sovereign City states entirely outside of central government control, yet still heavily subsidised by UK taxpayers. See substacks: Open Democracy and European Powell for more detailed information on this successful oligarch hijacking of Britain’s democratic nation state.

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I'm sorry, call me an "election denier" if you wish, but at this point, anyone who -doesn't- think the election was stolen, or at the very least, deserves some -serious-, scrutiny, is just not paying attention. Once, (2000) could reasonably called a fluke, twice (2016), -maybe- a coincidence, but three times (2024), is a -pattern-....

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100% agree with you on this! I’m holding out hope (although it is fading) for a December surprise.

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Call it "fake election, real denier"

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It was definitely stolen, hacked and cheated. We will expose this sooner than they think.

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What’s the game plan going forward if the states certify the results? Is there any way to prove a hack after that?

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Does anybody understand Pennsylvania’s audit laws? According to the information on Verified Voting, it seems like the “risk-limiting audit” would have been useless for detecting problems with the presidential race, as it only audited the state treasurer’s race, but the “2% statistical recount” would have caught discrepancies in any of the races. Does anybody know why this should not have been proof against election fraud? I do believe the results and circumstances of the general election are very suspicious, but I want to understand the facts on the ground.

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We can’t shout this loud enough.

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Smells Trumpy.

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Keep going, Robert. The fences in DC were put up for a reason.

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