Jul 19, 2023Liked by Robert J. Rei

Thank you. I would like to hear more when you get it. Meanwhile, I wonder if any of these threads intersect with the white xtian nationalists that are taking over school boards, firing the Superintendents, and installing their own people. It's certainly happening in Temecula, CA. The town is confused and angry.

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Christian nationalists are heavily involved with Project 2025. As for local school boards I don’t know to what extent, if any the project itself might be involved. Probably not as a whole, but I will not be surprised to find several of the “Advisory Board” members providing some type of guidance or support for such efforts.

I will be sure to look into your concerns.

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A group known as "Moms for Liberty" is a member of the Project 2025 Advisory board and is active in California flipping school boards over into conservative agenda driven agents.

If you or someone you know is located in Temecula then I suggest looking into the conservative school board members' possible association with Moms for Liberty or some other like minded group.

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The three conservative board members were backed and funded by Inland Empire Family PAC under the direction of Pastor Tim Thompson.


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Jul 23, 2023Liked by Robert J. Rei

But WHO is giving money to the PAC? Small donors? Or deep pockets? I'm very proud of the hard work of parents trying to inform the community of what is occurring. A few days ago, the majority board members had reached outside the community to invite strangers (members of Moms of Liberty, and various militia members) to make public comments. There really should be a law that only allows stakeholders to speak. Gov Newsome threatened the Board with a 1.5 million fine, and apparently the Board caved. But I do not trust them. I'm sure they have more bombs in their arsenal waiting to drop.

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Jul 23, 2023·edited Jul 23, 2023Author

The money trail runs very deep and goes all the way back to the top of the circus. These are things that I am working on exposing to and making the larger general public aware of via my efforts here at Substack. If you want to help expose these things to others and encourage efforts to create appropriate legislation such as you mention, wherein only valid stakeholders have a right of access to and input into local educational matters then please share the things that I write about with others via the share button and send me subscribers who might at least be exposed to and made basically aware of the significant larger organizations behind the scenes of all these things.

For instance Moms for Liberty is one of the advisory board members of Project 2025, and as such is responsible for much of what is taking place with hostile conservative school board takeovers; this really and truly is a cold civil war and the battle lines are being drawn out and battled over all across the country via small scale efforts, one school board at a time, in large numbers nationally. Organizations like Moms for Liberty and numerous other large Think Tanks and similarly focused organizations are all working together at their national level to coordinate both state and local level actions, activities, and attitudes; all of which you have been witnessing and experiencing first hand.

I am here to do what I do best, which is sift through large volumes of information and to produce writings that are relevant to the situation that helps everyone to see the trickster behind the curtain.

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