Excellent! Thank you.

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Thank you for organizing this. Very helpful!

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Thank you.

I’ve asked many folks over the past two years if they had ever heard of Project 2025. Without exception, none had. A few were interested in learning more and we’ve continued the dialogue. Most folk fell into the categories of too busy to think outside of their day to day activities, or CFFG is their choice for a myriad of reasons.

It’s not clear how to close such a wide information gap in the time remaining.

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I hear that!

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What a service you have provided.

I feel like a Jew in Weimar Germany- beyond concerned.

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Excellent resources. Thank you.

My concern is that we (me) in Substack, in our own echo chamber. While I am glad to be well informed my reach is limited. I feel that it’s critical to invest in mass media, in all venues, TikTok, billboards, TV, podcasters, street pamphlets etc with huge warnings and info on the reality that’s arrived. We need to be ageless in venues but I feel we need to be Especially vigilant in the venues of the young voters. They have no idea what they are about to lose.

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