Good evening.
It has been four months since I last published any new writing. Without going into details, for those who are curious or interested to know why I took an extended leave of absence, starting near the end of February on through May a few members of my family experienced numerous medical crises: illnesses, hospitalizations, and an unexpected middle-aged death. I have been waiting for the other shoe to drop, thankfully though matters have finally stabilized.
So with the start of July now here and the sentencing of Donald Trump by New York County Supreme Court Justice Juan Manuel Merchan taking place at long last next Thursday July 11, 2024 it is high time for me to get back into the game.
Of particular importance is the fact that Project 2025 is seeing some greater exposure recently. I myself first starting researching and writing about the Conservative plans to secure and establish a purely conservative modeled White House Administration for the purposes of ushering in Christian Nationalism, last year during July 2023.
At the moment I am just a little rusty to be writing, so this update is short and sweet.
Still though I will leave you all with a linked to listing of several of my earlier pieces that focus exclusively upon Project 2025 or some distinct/direct connection to it. In the meantime I will be working on producing more fresh writing to help us all be as well informed as possible about this clear and present danger to our freely lived liberal democracy.
First up is one of my more recent pieces that focuses solely on Project 2025 by way of discussing a lengthy report produced by Politico Magazine. This article is especially good because it is a balanced treatment that provides insights into both the dangers presented by Project 2025 as well as the significant barriers and difficulties that the Heritage Foundation (the project’s primary sponsor and implementer) must overcome and surmount in order for its evil plan to gain any real traction.
"Republicans still don’t like the idea of expertise." Excerpts and Experts: A continuing essay series examining the conflation of politics and religion.
“An intellectual case for Trumpism”: An Alarming Need to Know Situation
This was the first article I published during July of 2023 about Project 2025.
THE FOXHOLE THEORY OF NETWORKS: Exploring Project 2025: The Command & Control Center of Movement Conservatism
Does the Democratic Party Know What Time It Is?
Just about everything that I have written since November 2023 is in some way or another connected to Project 2025, so please take some time to read some of those pieces, as many people have found some of what I write to be helpful in understanding the complexity of the challenges we are confronted with by Republican conservatives who clearly and obviously do not deserve the oxygen that genuinely and truly is wasted on them.
If you do take the time to read something then please by all means why not also take the time to restack and share what you just read, especially if you found it helpful for understanding something, it will only take a click or, at most, two on your mouse to increase the number of readers of any of my work.
And now on a more personal note I want to thank the many people who reached out to me in some way of another to inquire as to my well-being and to let me know that I was missed. I greatly appreciated all your concerns and thoughts. If I did not respond to you or you felt slighted by my lack of response please accept my apologies, the past few months I only had one priority, my family.
By the way, someone please call the Republicans and the religious blowhards and tell them that they do not have any exclusive claims to loving families, and that a balanced liberal upbringing generally produces genuine intelligence and knowledge with which to understand reality, as opposed to training a child up to be of limited intelligence and knowledge resulting in an adult who will be ill-equipped to deal with reality.
Robert J. Rei, July 2, 2024
“Our current ‘state’ is the dictatorship of evil. We know that already, I hear you object, and we don’t need you to reproach us for it yet again. But, I ask you, if you know that, then why don’t you act? Why do you tolerate these rulers gradually robbing you, in public and in private, of one right after another, until one day nothing, absolutely nothing, remains but the machinery of the state, under the command of criminals and drunkards?”
Sophie Scholl
I AM SO GLAD YOU'RE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you. Wishing all the best for you and your grieving family in these challenging days.