MAGA Mike & The Heritage Foundation, and Christian Nationalism
Two Sides of the Same Coin held together by the bigotry, greed, and zealotry of Project 2025
Project 2025 while on its surface appearing to be merely authoritarian driven is in actuality a significant element in the Dominionist drive for control12. MAGA Mike Johnson3 and Heritage Foundation President Kevin D. Roberts Ph.D.4 are friends, like actual friends.
WASHINGTON—Rep. Mike Johnson of Louisiana won the speakership nomination for the House Republican Conference Tuesday. Heritage Foundation President Dr. Kevin Roberts made the following statement:
“As I have said repeatedly, the speakership is not about any one person, but about who will fight for the everyday American and their interests over the power of the Washington Swamp. I congratulate my good friend Speaker-designate Mike Johnson. As a former Republican Study Committee chairman and current vice chair of the House Republican Conference, Johnson has both a tremendous conservative track record and a willingness to listen to his colleagues and put the will of the conference and the American people first.
“This kind of conservative servant leadership ought to unite House Republicans. All of us at Heritage look forward to working with Speaker Johnson to secure the border, rein in spending, conduct serious oversight of the Biden administration, and provide real leadership on the world stage. It’s time to get to work.”
They both attended the University of Louisiana [Louisiana State University system of schools5] during the same time period. Johnson graduated in 1995 with a B.S. [Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA6] and finished at the University's law school obtaining a JD Degree in 1998 [Paul M. Hebert Law7] Center; while Roberts completed his B.A. in History in 1996 going on from there [University of Louisiana, Lafayette, LA8] to obtain a M.A. from Virginia Tech [M.A. in History9], and a Ph.D. in American History from the University of Texas at Austin.101112
What most people are unaware of with regards to Project 2025 is that the super-majority of its Advisory Board members, especially its original first 21 members1314 are all inline with a transcendent order worldview, that is to say they all believe that a deity is in control of reality and that it is their responsibility to propagate a Biblical Worldview by way of domination, and are active in asserting an erroneous view of the early founding father's as being of the same persuasions as current Christian nationalists’ worldviews, when in reality almost all of the founding fathers were in actuality deists at best151617.
See Morgann Sinclair Ph.D. for her excellent treatment of this topic at the following
Substack article:Christian Nationalism is currently a quickly evolving mindset that has its sights set on the creation of a “Christian Nation” in accordance with modern thinkers and proponents of its efforts, philosophies, practices, and overall goals. The following linked to article Claiming Christian Nationalism is an apologetic written by one of its thought leaders as a feature article hosted by The Claremont Institute, an organization that has audaciously and boldly claimed the title of being “True MAGAs”:
“When commentators try to label us, they usually just say “Claremont conservatives.” “True MAGAs” is another label”18
In the meantime there is another organization that is operating on much the same premise as the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 that may be considered a friendly competitor that is almost strictly geared to installing Trump back into office19; The America First Policy Institute (AFPI); this organization is a who's who of former Trump White House Administration officials, as can be seen at the following link:
Many of the staff at AFPI can be found as board advisors, members, consultants, or any number of significant positions at numerous project 2025 Advisory Board organizations, for instance Brooke Rollins who “serves as the President and Chief Executive Officer of AFPI.” and was “formerly Director of the Domestic Policy Council and Chief Strategist in the White House under President Donald Trump,” where she also “previously served as Director of the Office of American Innovation.” is also listed as a “Senior Advisor” to the board of directors of the Texas Public Policy Foundation *(TPPF) which is one of the original 21 Project 2025 Advisory Board members. The President of the Heritage Foundation, Kevin D. Roberts Ph.D.** is also listed as a member of the TPPF’s board of directors20 where he “previously served as the Chief Executive Officer of the Texas Public Policy Foundation” (TPPF)21.
As noted at the start of this report Project 2025 and Christian nationalists (Dominionists) are not two separate movements, but rather are in reality two sides of the same coin. This coin most aptly may be termed and known as MAGA. What has been presented here is barely a scratching of the surface of the complex, covert/overt, intricate, network of what movement conservatism has matured into during the past two decades. With dark and legitimate money funding efforts across the nation from the local to the state and all the way to the federal levels of government, with MAGA enablers, fanatics, proponents, supporters, and zealots, (think Leonard Leo222324, the master funding organizer and funnel serving all the above discussed activities and organizations, and architect of the conservative takeover of the Supreme Court) this is a political era and situation that rivals and even may be said to exceed the efforts and machinations of historic Nazism.
Never has there been a truly more important time period in American history wherein liberal American democratic concepts, ideals, governing principles, and free citizen participation and constitutionally mandated Rights been so endangered.
I have now been deep diving into this rabbit hole filled with its deceitful spiderwebs of so-called nonprofit organizations, and anonymous wealthy benefactors for several months now, Prior to this focused effort I had been keeping a weather eye on the Dominionist movement as time and opportunity permitted since 1993 when I first encountered Dominionist theology and recognized then that this conflation of politics and religion was soon going to be the next battle front for control of all things American and by extension into the future the entire world.
Please, if you truly care about being a free American citizen and recognize that what happened once before, as exemplified by the Nazi era, can and in its own way is happening once again (the taking over of a democratic national government by a fascist movement) then by all means share this post, talk about these things in your comments, with your family, friends, co-workers, campaign contacts, write about it in your Substack and social media publications, write letters to the editors of your local newspapers, alert your elected representatives (many of them are actually unaware of these things) etcetera. The more well informed We the People are about the dangers we are faced with by the efforts of MAGA Christian nationalists counter-revolutionary plans and operations the stronger we all will be together in order to fight the greed-motivated forces of MAGA.
“Overturning the existing post-American order, and re-establishing America’s ancient principles in practice, is a sort of counter-revolution, and the only road forward.”
Glenn Ellmers,“Conservatism” is no Longer Enough25
Robert J. Rei, November 1, 2023
"There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self." -Aldous Huxley
“101: Dominionism” Political Research Associates,; A basic primer explanation of Dominionism.
“Dominionism Rising: A Theocratic Movement Hiding in Plain Sight” “In many ways, Ted Cruz personifies the story of dominionism: how it became the ideological engine of the Christian Right, and how it illuminates the changes underway in American politics, culture and religion that have helped shape recent history.”
Political Research Associates,
“Mike Johnson (Louisiana politician)” Wikipedia, Also see notes 10, 16, 17 [edited for clarity in line with later updates to the notes section]
“Kevin D. Roberts, Ph.D. President” The Heritage Foundation,
Notes 5,6,7,8, have all been added to clarify and correct my error in implying that both Johnson and Roberts attended the same university. My mistake was in seeing only that they had both attended the parent institution of the “Louisiana State University System” further details of the added corrections are in the following four notes.
Clarification added: Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA
Previously missing detail added to support clarification/correction in notes 5,6
Correction added: University of Louisiana, Lafayette, LA in support of note 5
Previously missing detail added to support clarifications/corrections made, and to strengthen the paragraph documentation as a whole, in support of note 5
“BATON ROUGE, La. (WAFB) - Two-time LSU alumnus Rep. Mike Johnson, a Shreveport native was elected as the next House speaker on Wednesday, Oct. 25… The Shreveport native graduated from LSU Law Center in 1998 and he was selected as a member of the Moot Court Board and National Moot Court Team and was elected class president and president of the Christian Legal Society… Johnson earned his bachelor’s degree in business administration in 1995 where he was selected to Leadership LSU and the Order of Omega Honor Society, Kappa Sigma Fraternity and served as president of the LSU Interfraternity Council.”
WAFB Channel 9, A Gray Media Group, Inc. Station,
"Of note: After earning both a bachelor's degree and a law degree from Louisiana State University, Johnson spent nearly 20 years practicing constitutional law.”,
"Kevin D. Roberts, President of The Heritage Foundation, Washington, District of Columbia, United States, 2K followers 500+ connections” Linked in,
“2025 Presidential Transition Project Forms Advisory Board With Leading Conservative Partners, Jun 24, 2022.” Heritage President Kevin Roberts released the following statement on the announcement of the advisory board:
“It is not enough for conservatives simply to win elections. We must ensure that the right people—those who love this country and are willing to fight for her—are serving in key roles in the next administration. Cleaning up the devastation caused by four years of Joe Biden’s rule will be an arduous task and will require committed patriots who not only have the right policy ideas, but know how to outsmart and overcome the administrative state. The Presidential Transition Project, led by Paul Dans and our advisory board, is going to work tirelessly for the next three years to make sure the conservative movement is ready for the moment.”
“Project 2025 Reaches 75 Coalition Partners, Continues to Grow in Preparation for Next Conservative President Oct 10, 2023” The Heritage Foundation,; Additional note: as of November 1, 2023 there are now eighty-two (82) Advisory Board Partners, that is an increase of seven (7) additional new partners during the space of twenty-one (21) days,
“This conservatism is built on historical empiricism, the nation, the biblical tradition, common law, Crown or executive power limited by representative assemblies, individual liberties, and government support for religion.”
“Revolution Principles and American Conservatism Now Jul 27, 2022” The Heritage Foundation,
“Power, Not the ‘Illuminati’: How Fundamentalist Christians Are Infiltrating State and Federal Government May 13, 2014, 4:48pm [by] Sofia Resnick & Sharona Coutts”
Welcome to the world of the Blackstone Legal Fellowship, an annual program established in 2000 by the Alliance Defending Freedom, an Arizona-based nonprofit that is swiftly emerging as a major behind-the-scenes player in many of the nation’s most controversial legal cases involving reproductive rights, sexual justice, and a vast range of other moral and social disputes.
“[T]he Blackstone Fellowship inspires a distinctly Christian worldview in every area of law, and particularly in the areas of public policy and religious liberty,” states the Alliance’s public tax filing. “With this ongoing program, it’s [the Alliance’s] goal to train a new generation of lawyers who will rise to positions of influence and leadership as legal scholars, litigators, judges—perhaps even Supreme Court Justices—who will work to ensure that justice is carried out in America’s courtrooms.”
While participants hail from various denominations, they all commit to using their legal careers to “reorder society” according to a “christendomic” worldview, in which there is no separation between church and state.
Additional note in relation to note 11 and 16 above: MAGA Mike Johnson was “the senior legal counsel for the Alliance Defense Fund at its Regional Service Center for the Southeastern United States” until 2015 when he entered politics winning a seat in the “Louisiana’s 8th District in the 2015 Spring session of the Louisiana Legislature” unopposed.;
““Conservatism” is no Longer Enough” Glenn Ellmers, March 24, 2021, The American Mind is a publication of the Claremont Institute,
“Scoop: Trump alumni launch largest post-administration group” April 13, 2021, Mike Allen,,
“Texas Public Policy Foundation, Board of Directors”
“Inside the “Private and Confidential” Conservative Group That Promises to “Crush Liberal Dominance” Leonard Leo, a key architect of the Supreme Court’s conservative supermajority, is now the chairman of Teneo Network, a group that aims to influence all aspects of American politics and culture.” Pro Publica,
“Leonard Leo’s Decades of Corruption Driving the News” October 27, 2023, Accountable.US,
Internal website search results covering years 2022, 2023, totaling five webpages with fifty (50) separate reports on the activities of Leo Leonard written by the staff of Accountable.US
““Conservatism” is no Longer Enough” Glenn Ellmers, March 24, 2021, The American Mind is a publication of the Claremont Institute,
(* Hyperlink to TPPF added|** Heritage Foundation President’s name added for grammatical clarity)
Robert, this is brilliantly done. I have already shared this with everyone on “Notes”, and stressed they read, and share.
Again, I can’t believe we screwed the pooch in 2022 by allowing the House to take control by the Republicans. We learned an extremely valuable lesson from this. Thus just emphasis the greatest importance that we must convert the local, state, and federal government. We cannot allow one single Republican to stay in office. What were/are good Republicans, if there is or was such a thing, have all resigned, or are not seeking the-election next term. The new Trumputin Party has run all of the “old Republican Party” out. All this new bunch want to do is take over and have a Dictatorship.
You constantly do the most brilliantly fantastic job!! May I cross-post this article to my subscribers?