As is usually is the case, Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor got it right in her 2020 dissent. High schools run by the Catholic Church admit students of all religious backgrounds. (At least the ones I’m aware of in California. And interestingly, they use that to recruit some of the best high school athletes.) Religion classes taught on Catholic ideology and pray time have an opt out for non-adherents. They are allowed to take an alternative class or the equivalent of study hall. So if the students have an opt out, why not the non-religious instruction staff? There appears to be a double standard between those the school accepts money from (enrolled students) and those they pay money out to (staff). The situation is probably much worse at schools run by evangelical Protestant churches, many of which are barely disguised indoctrination centers.
Fascinating. I shall be looking into this.
Religion is a tool of subjugation devised by men to assure their ongoing control by surmounting reason with the infallibility of belief.
Utter and complete madness.
As is usually is the case, Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor got it right in her 2020 dissent. High schools run by the Catholic Church admit students of all religious backgrounds. (At least the ones I’m aware of in California. And interestingly, they use that to recruit some of the best high school athletes.) Religion classes taught on Catholic ideology and pray time have an opt out for non-adherents. They are allowed to take an alternative class or the equivalent of study hall. So if the students have an opt out, why not the non-religious instruction staff? There appears to be a double standard between those the school accepts money from (enrolled students) and those they pay money out to (staff). The situation is probably much worse at schools run by evangelical Protestant churches, many of which are barely disguised indoctrination centers.
Excellent observations.