Thanks so much for doing this. I wrote my letter to Kamala Harris.

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Yup me too and to people who might contact her if she doesnt see it. Also Tim Walz and my gov of Ca to name some. Maybe Oprah obama and Clinton. --Clinton requires a snail mail letter but he may be more likwly to read them.I have gotten personal response from him before years ago on an issue. Maybe even Mayor Pete , Raskin , And Liz Cheny., etc. Anything to widen the net and get one of them to sound the alarm and get Harris's attention. Perhaps late nite tv people as well. Anyone with access to get authority to take it seriously and move this forward.

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I was able to write my letter to Kamala Harris also.

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Thank you Robert for getting Stephen Spoonamore letter to the Vice President out and explaining about it.

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Excellent work, once again. Keep going.

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While the letter definitely sounds convincing and certainly seems to help explain the incomprehensible outcome, I would just like to add a few points to keep in mind..

1. Remember that the letter above does not include the actual data itself. I am not suggesting that the author is, or is not being genuine or dishonest. Rather, I'm just reminding people that without witnessing the evidence for ourselves, we have no option but to assume the author is being honest and that they are not misinterpreting the data. That said, if everything they mention is indeed true and correct, it absolutely demands further investigation.

2. On that note, IF Harris's campaign or any of the other officials contacted do indeed believe the author's claims to have merit, any investigations they conduct will be kept extremely confidential. They will not want to risk revealing any actions or findings until, and unless, they have concrete and definitive proof. Even then, they will have to be extremely careful and cautious with how they proceed. Thanks to Trump and the GOP's endless lies and projection about fake voter fraud, most of his legitimate voters will already be primed to immediately lash out with anger and denial.

3. Furthermore, IF these allegations are true, once the Trump campaign and any other co-conspirators become aware that their alleged crimes are being investigated, they will immediately launch a campaign of lies, projection, and deflection. They will begin accusing Harris and Biden of trying to "steal the election", and it will almost certainly fuel unprecedented levels of hostility, distrust, and violent outbursts. Harris and the Democratic Party will need to have Republican officials in those states, those who have observed any evidence proving these claims and who have the integrity to come forward, to come out as well and back them up.

In summation, IF these allegations prove to be correct, please just keep all of the above in mind. Most importantly, try to remain safe and calm. Unfortunately, there's very little we can do at the moment aside from urging those in power to consider and look into these claims.

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The alternative to speaking out, as I encourage, is that silence will lead to the unacceptable acceptance of the current ongoing Coup attempt.

Republican voters have just as much at stake in this as anyone else for reasons I have stated already elsewhere, and here reposted for your consideration-

"Oh, I understand now. With the architecture that expert Spoonamore describes and asserts is in operation then your concern is misplaced.

You need to read Hack Part 1: Creating the pool of bullet ballot voters—

Over and over and over again until you realize that this particular exploit creates the conditions that—

OEVT fail criteria: critical flaws - The voting device shall fail open ended vulnerability testing if the OEVT team provides a plausible description of how vulnerabilities or errors found in a voting device or the implementation of its security features could be used to:

i. Change the outcome of an election;

ii. Interfere with voters’ ability to cast ballots or have their votes counted during an election; or

iii. Compromise the secrecy of vote without having to demonstrate a successful exploitation of said vulnerabilities or errors.

Thereby resulting in the exposure of myriads of names that pledged to vote for Trump; yet will be found out and exposed as having v…"


Should the unthinkable happen and a ultra-conservative administration manages to overtake and occupy the White House, the first purge, in the first-day-declared national emergency, will not be of immigrants, no, it will first be all those whose votes' Secrecy has been compromised, and right at the top of the list will be those individual Red voters who pledged themselves to Trump, but elected his Blue enemy; where will they go? Straight to the camps for a permanent domestic slave-labor life assisting the regime to exact, extract, and export off of the North American Continent. Yes the continent; does anyone actually think that Elon-Trump will simply settle down with the USA only, while their is a whole continent to rule over?

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I read and understand everything you posted and provided links to. I understand the gravity of the situation IF the allegations have merit. In fact, at the end of my post I specifically stated that we can urge our officials to look into the allegations.

What concerns me however, is encouraging people to share this abundantly on social media. While on one hand, I can understand the desire to increase the number of people urging our officials to investigate, believing that will somehow further motivate them. Yet on the other hand, I would argue that our officials WILL already take action if they believe the allegations have merit. They really have no incentive not to.

I would further argue that we might actually undermine their efforts to investigate if this letter goes viral. Should that happen, the national media will end up having to report on it. You might believe that to be beneficial, but I actually believe it will be extremely detrimental. The conservative propaganda machine will begin accusing "the left" of trying to cheat and overthrow Trump's win. They will begin filing an onslaught of FOIA requests with every govt agency, to try and determine if there are already ongoing investigations taking place. If there are, that could risk exposing them before they've had the ability to uncover any meaningful results, as well as motivate any potential bad actors to destroy evidence and silence witnesses.

Again, we do not have enough evidence to truly determine, one way or another, whether these allegations have merit. Only our elected and unelected govt officials can determine that for certain. If the original author is indeed genuine, and if they did indeed send this letter to the officials listed, then I believe we need to have faith that they will act if there is validity to the claims. Forcing this matter to go viral, IMHO, will only end badly.

Of course, that's just my opinion and I am nobody special.

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The alternative to speaking out, as I encourage, is that silence will lead to the unacceptable acceptance of the current ongoing Coup attempt.

Republican voters have just as much at stake in this as anyone else for reasons I have stated already elsewhere, and here reposted for your consideration-

"Oh, I understand now. With the architecture that expert Spoonamore describes and asserts is in operation then your concern is misplaced.

You need to read Hack Part 1: Creating the pool of bullet ballot voters—

Over and over and over again until you realize that this particular exploit creates the conditions that—

OEVT fail criteria: critical flaws - The voting device shall fail open ended vulnerability testing if the OEVT team provides a plausible description of how vulnerabilities or errors found in a voting device or the implementation of its security features could be used to:

i. Change the outcome of an election;

ii. Interfere with voters’ ability to cast ballots or have their votes counted during an election; or

iii. Compromise the secrecy of vote without having to demonstrate a successful exploitation of said vulnerabilities or errors.

Thereby resulting in the exposure of myriads of names that pledged to vote for Trump; yet will be found out and exposed as having v…"



Should the unthinkable happen and a ultra-conservative administration manages to overtake and occupy the White House, the first purge, in the first-day-declared national emergency, will not be of immigrants, no, it will first be all those whose votes' Secrecy has been compromised, and right at the top of the list will be those individual Red voters who pledged themselves to Trump, but elected his Blue enemy; where will they go? Straight to the camps for a permanent domestic slave-labor life assisting the regime to exact, extract, and export off of the North American Continent. Yes the continent; does anyone actually think that Elon-Trump will simply settle down with the USA only, while their is a whole continent to rule over?


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I forwarded this information to over 50 diifferent news emails and THERE IS NO NEWS - like all the news networks are just ignoring it!!

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not for a second

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I am looking for a credible cause around this topic. Can you please clarify, these two points are copied directly from the letter:

AZ - 123K+ 7.2%+ of Trump’s total vote. Enough to reverse the outcome.

NV - 43K+ 5.5%+ of Trump’s total vote. Enough to exceed recount threshold.

Just focusing on AZ, is the 123K the count of bullet ballots out of all ballots cast FOR EITHER with no senator selected? Or is it the count of bullet ballots out of all ballots cast FOR TRUMP with no senator selected? Where can I go to corroborate these numbers? Thanks!

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Everyone reading this needs to go to this page and contact everyone possible on it. Ask that they publicly call for a recount and audit in swing states, and ask them to urge VP Harris to do so.


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Do we have an update? Di we have reasonable validation on these numbers of bukket votes? It seems every hour there is another reason to move forward with a recount. Are we scare,d , tired. appatheric; or is it possible it is happening in secrecy not to set off panic and caos until fraud is proven? Hoping for that light at the end of a tunnel because this is about all the good news we have. I cringe everytime media on both sides casually says it was a fair election knowing there may be a decent chance it wasn't. Seems to me pretty much everything is ridding on this. Please tell us this is real.

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So this info is DOA at everybody’s door? What can a citizen do who similarly thinks the fix was in for DJT? And not what our country actually chose?

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I wrote Harris too. I also suggest the othe orominent stakeholders with the ability to get her ear. I wrote my Gov Gavin Newsome, Obama, my representative, FBI, and Tim Walz. Also might consider Liz Cheney, Oprah, late night hosts, and Clinton. Clinton -Bill but both are excellent. Bill Cilinton requires snail mail but he may be the most likely to read it. 16 years ago I wrote him on an issue because I wanted to get info to Obama on an environmental habitat issue and I was sucessful and I did get a personal reply back. (God I miss those guys) Any of these guys-- ialso Mayor Pete or rep Raskin-- pick your favs-' that are diligent and outspoken , be brief respectful and grateful. Cant hurt to try, right?

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After reviewing the ePollbook training manual for San Diego and LA County, I have Tech questions that I need answered:

The ePollbooks (which checks in each voter with registration, address and status. These are synched together in a polling place and connected to a printer. Are the ePollbooks and printers and the election and county offices “paired” by Bluetooth?

As voters are signed in, this voter data is synched to a main “cradle”, which transmits the data to the election office or the county office network, with computers that may also be connected to wifi.

To my knowledge as a techie/coder/developer, Bluetooth connections are a security risk.

The ePollBooks are only exchanging voter log-in info.

Tabulators that receive and print completed ballots are not connected to the internet. Data is shared between tabulators via thumb drives.

This guide from CIS is helpful.


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I am in the middle of cooking right now, I will comment later this evening.

Thank you for your useful comment.

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Hope you had a delicious meal. I look forward to your response. I appreciate your insightful posts.

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Susan, if I understand your question correctly the answer to it is that "Bluetooth Pairing" does not create a "connection" between devices, but rather the pairing aspect of two devices being networked together is easier to understand as a type of recognition code that identifies the two objects one to another so as to facilitate any further interactions between the devices in question.

The link below leads to a Microsoft community forum with more about your question.


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