Thank you for continuing to bear witness to this systemic corruption. Recording it for those who may survive after us who will soon begin to experience why strict adherence to rule of law is all that stands between us and social chaos.
I just posted the state of PA is conducting a RLA. (Risk Limiting Audit). I mistakingly thought it was of the presidential office. It will be done for the state treasurer position. Therefore it is meaningless.
No it is not meaningless, it is an opportunity to properly and accurately, and accountably validate or deny any invalid ballots; which then brings the necessary scrutiny of those invalid ballots to see if any indications or evidence demonstrates the need for further investigations, ideally.
Have you sent this to Huffington Post or Associated Press, NPR, BBC? These are really the only news sources you can trust. I've written twice to Kamala and Biden, governors of PA, NC, MI. We all need to shout out loud. I can't believe the Dems are so weak. We have to fight this takeover. They said it would be bloodless - I guess so.
I believe there is a lot going on behind the scene, the White House suddenly being mum about this, actually shows something big IS happening behind the walls..
I guess my only lame reply is that I can only assume that if this were a thing that the justice department would be investigating it. Certainly, we can agree that Biden had skin in the game.
There are two executive orders that have been enforced in some measures, but beyond that there appears to be a very large unknown area of this problem having to do with foreign intelligence services involvement which unfortunately means that a lot of evidence is probably unavailable due to classified aspects of national security.
That is most understandable.
Thank you for continuing to bear witness to this systemic corruption. Recording it for those who may survive after us who will soon begin to experience why strict adherence to rule of law is all that stands between us and social chaos.
Thank you.
I just posted the state of PA is conducting a RLA. (Risk Limiting Audit). I mistakingly thought it was of the presidential office. It will be done for the state treasurer position. Therefore it is meaningless.
No it is not meaningless, it is an opportunity to properly and accurately, and accountably validate or deny any invalid ballots; which then brings the necessary scrutiny of those invalid ballots to see if any indications or evidence demonstrates the need for further investigations, ideally.
That sounds great! Thanks! Kind of like a domino effect?
Have you sent this to Huffington Post or Associated Press, NPR, BBC? These are really the only news sources you can trust. I've written twice to Kamala and Biden, governors of PA, NC, MI. We all need to shout out loud. I can't believe the Dems are so weak. We have to fight this takeover. They said it would be bloodless - I guess so.
I’ve written and written. I will write more. Nothing budges.
Don’t stop, the truth must be spread every way possible, we must NOT be the generation that Lost America!
I believe there is a lot going on behind the scene, the White House suddenly being mum about this, actually shows something big IS happening behind the walls..
We have maybe 24 hours before an important deadline passes, after which little can be done to reverse things.
And there they sit. Harris on vay-cay and Walz silent as a tomb.
They want to avoid a capital repeat.
Riiight. Like a recount (like they studiously avoided asking for) is the same thing!
Agreed! See also the Letter from several top experts in election security and computer science sent to Kamala Harris on November 13th.
We should all demand a recount
We should all demand a recount!
I guess my only lame reply is that I can only assume that if this were a thing that the justice department would be investigating it. Certainly, we can agree that Biden had skin in the game.
There are two executive orders that have been enforced in some measures, but beyond that there appears to be a very large unknown area of this problem having to do with foreign intelligence services involvement which unfortunately means that a lot of evidence is probably unavailable due to classified aspects of national security.