Thank you for bringing this to light. I’m guessing none of this has been reported or questioned by mainstream media. Just early dementia Trump being Trump with his strategy of flooding the zone with sh@t until it’s waist deep and no one can move.

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Please somebody, anybody "break" the story all the way open already for real. The suspense is killing me.

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Thank You Robert

One thing I would like to mention, how do you think Qatar won the bid for the last World Cup? I Gaurentee you this much, follow the money. The amount of money that changed hands, the bribery that ensued, that enabled Qatar to " win" the event might make a nun blush.

Now as for the Olympics. I loved the quote that you added, about the theme , or mission statement of the Olympic committee and Olympics.

The Olympics are a huge business conglomerate. Nothing more nothing less. A majority of the world gets together every four years, to witness the best athletes from around the world compete against each other. And the Olympic Committee are the benefactors.

The only other organization with a similar mission statement is The UN.

And like the other two organizations what they have in common is money, graft, bribery, corruption . And a healthy dose of Evil. On the UN you can trust me on that. Power attracts money, and money attracts power.

As for your current presidents ramblings, nothing has changed has it?

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