deletedJun 8, 2023Liked by Robert J. Rei
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Thank you, I will certainly look into her writings; as it stands now I find Gabriel Hudson's research into the matter as detailed in the paper I reference above to be the most enlightening of all explanations for the foundational cause of the effects we are now seeing. His focus on the epistemological divide is sublime in its exposure of the real problem that undergirds the outward expressions we are all witnessing and having to deal with in the conflation of politics and religion. I do hope that you will take the time to read the paper, as it well worth the time to read.

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deletedJun 8, 2023Liked by Robert J. Rei
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From my perspective and studies Christian political activism was essentially first begun in its practical outward manifestation during the mid-1960s with the work of R. J. Rushdoony; he is generally considered to be the primary proponent of the theological-apologetic of Dominionism which I suspect was the impetus that might have led to the "Civil Religion" movement of the late 60s, which in turn slowly morphed into the Moral Majority of the late 70s into the 80s when then President Regan and his wife First Lady Nancy provided the boost the movement needed with their acceptance and tacit endorsement of the movement, which then continued its growth and expansion into American policy-making with the advent of Regent University which was founded by the now dead Christian Right Leader Pat Robertson, from which point American Federal Government became genuinely infected with the cancer of Biblical religion embedded into politics.

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You are speaking of matters dear to me and can hear my views, should you care to, when I finally begin publishing here. Meanwhile, I came here to thank you for addressing this vital topic and to answer the particular question that you ask. That is, no, I don't think the situation can be addressed by revision of the 2nd amendment. I'd be interested to hear why you chose to close with that question.🌼

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I am glad you consider this to be of vital importance., and I will certainly give ear to your views. Revision of any amendments would be very difficult and very time consuming, but reviewing and revisiting particular amendments, especially with a proper sound contextual analysis will I am confident produce more harmonious notes for all concerned; I would most certainly be interested in joining a select national panel that performs together to harmonize ideas.

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God, Guns, and Greed.

Race, Religion, and Republicans.

Take your pick: either title helps define just some of the causes of the 'cold civil war' America has been fighting for nearly 250 years.

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Mr. Rei,

Thank you for all the work that you do and for sharing some of it with this forum.

Your research is making me rethink my views of my own christian education and bible studies. I have never had a conversation with anyone concerning religion that included how to effect changes in our government. These people are targeting bright, talented, and educated people to be members of their Dominionism cult. Reading your article makes me nervous because I have watched what charismatic people can do to the most well educated scientists and engineers who pride themselves on their intellectual strengths.

But can you tell us how these activities don’t land these people in jail for sedition and plotting the overthrow of the government?

It is one thing to make plans to enact a Constitutional Amendment and quite another to plot to put “your” people in positions of governmental power and authority for the purposes of having them obey an outside agent and not their Constitution and US Code.

All the best,


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What is even more disturbing to me is that I was given to believe and understand that Jesus separated Church and State when he said “Give unto Cezar what is Cezar’s….” How perverted can they be to desire the power that comes from manipulating people and claiming it to be religious. I am very confused now.

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