We have a system inplace called the VICE President. So, I have confidence in that system.

Interesting that a malignant narcissistic sociopath-that is what Trump has displayed has nor brought a VP choice public. No room for another "personality " or is the decision up to those that want a Project 2025 in place and will select that candidate? We are in a perilous perilous position like the 40s but in a different array of surcomstance. Now, instead of "nazis" outside of our government the call" is inside the house as the B-movie suggested.

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Robert, Thank you for following and reporting on the various factions of democracy’s enemies. I have not previously seen any reporting on the NY case mental health assessment or the Heritage Foundation’s media branch, the latter of which is amazingly open in discussing their intentions.

It amazes me that others in the media and in the Democratic Party don’t see what’s so obvious, the details of which are the subject of your essay. Sowing chaos is a classic Republican Party and Convicted Felon DT strategy as is projection. MSM has bought off on it hook, line, and sinker. Similar to the legal, financial, funding and ballot problems of switching a presidential candidate this late in the process. Democrats are classic for opening mouths first as they rush to form the circular firing squad and engaging brain second.

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I have referenced this essay of Robert’s in Substack comments. This is one of his most informative.

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Thank you for doing the hard research work and for writing it up. I shall have to revisit this once I have digested this first reading.

The centre Democrats use of the Third Way rang alarm bells as that was the buzz term deployed, I think originally, by political spin doctor Peter Mandelson, now Lord Mandelson, during the Tony Blair’s Labour Party campaign back in 1996/7 against John Major’s Thatcherite Conservative government. The notion of a Third Way was a particularly powerful political trope for those involved in the Northern Ireland Peace Process. I had only just moved to Ireland to return to university and like many fools before me I ignorantly wandered into all sorts of hard sectarian and political discussion siloes at that time.

Regarding the Third Way, it was spun as centrist pragmatism, which appealed as a possible political way forward in a deeply divided post sectarian civil war landscape. Looking back now, it did nothing to deliver any effective resolution to Northern Ireland’s deep historically British state created divisions, but it did effectively veil the sharp movement of the Labour Party away from its foundation in workers and civil rights to the political right and an embracing of neo- liberal deregulating economics and its concomitant heinous economic social iniquities. Piggy backing it upon the Northern Irish Peace Process was a master stroke of Machiavellian manipulation. The consequent political favouring by all the UK governments since, of hard extremist Thatcherite unionism, has been an unmitigated disaster politically, economically and socially.

As in any democracy that has followed the Reagan-Thatcher economic model, the wealthy have cleaned up at the expense of all else succeeding in destroying a fragile postwar economically progressive social cohesion.

Both the Brexiteers in the UK and MAGA in the US are fishing in the troubled waters of this economic misery and social dysfunction. Mandelson was also mates with Epstein and his global cartel of ‘fixers’.

A rather lengthy reply to warn of the danger of a possible Trojan horse in regard to the political deployment of the term the Third Way🐈‍⬛

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Oh so they want to own it now

Ok 🙋🏼‍♀️

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