America is a nation of Builders. Soon, you will be free to build. -Elon Musk
Arbeit macht frei (Work sets you free)
“The department’s Voting Section — which played a critical role in defending the integrity of the 2020 election — would be twisted, its attorneys replaced with cronies working to validate Trump’s lies and shield Republican-controlled states from federal scrutiny.”
Plutocrats versus Proletariats
During a speech on German radio on January 29, 1939, to mark the Day of the German Police, Heinrich Himmler made a rare public reference to the SS concentration camps. After assuring his listeners about the decent conditions in the “strict but fair” KL[Concentration camp], Himmler turned to their function: “The slogan that stands above these camps is: There is a path to freedom. Its milestones are: obedience, diligence, honesty, orderliness, cleanliness, sobriety, truthfulness, readiness to make sacrifices, and love of the fatherland.” The SS was so taken with Himmler’s motto that it was soon displayed in several KL—on signs, roofs, and walls—for all inmates to see; a photo of the prisoners before one of the placards featured in the Nazi press. Similar slogans had appeared before. Since 1936, for example, the wrought-iron doors leading from the Dachau gatehouse to the prisoner compound bore the words “Work Makes Free,” a phrase later added to the to the gates of Sachsenhausen, Flossenbürg, and Auschwitz.2
“Pay no attention to the man in front of the curtain, they imply. The real work is being done by his evangelical influencers behind the scenes.”3
Whenever I have written the name of either Trump or Musk I always think of the “Swamp Thing”.
For these leaders, the biblical account of Cyrus allows them to develop a “vessel theology” around Donald Trump, one that allows them to reconcile his personal history of womanizing and alleged sexual assault with what they see as his divinely ordained purpose to restore a Christian America.
“I think in some ways this is a kind of baptism of Donald Trump,” says John Fea, a professor of evangelical history at Messiah College in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. “It’s the theopolitical version of money laundering, taking Scripture to … clean [up] your candidate.”
This framing allows for the creation of Trump as a viable evangelical candidate regardless of his personal beliefs or actions. It allows evangelical leaders, and to a lesser extent ordinary evangelicals, to provide a compelling narrative for their support for him that transcends the mere pragmatic fact that he is a Republican. Instead of having to justify their views of Trump’s controversial past, including reports of sexual misconduct and adultery, the evangelical establishment can say Trump’s presidency was arranged by God, and thus legitimize their support for him — a support that has begun to divide ordinary evangelicals and create a kind of “schism.”4
Interestingly enough the point being made in the above excerpt is one which I, in my own way, have already asserted previously in my post-election day reaction essay:
So then in short form a vote for Donald Trump was for all purposes a vote for God. This one point is I suspect the single greatest missed element to all electioneering efforts by Democratic voters. The election of a President for movement-conservative aligned forces from the late 1960s has always been laser-focused on putting God into the White House and by extension in command and control of the “Nation.”
At this point in time I would like to remind people that in light of the reality of the continuing practice of the world’s second oldest profession espionage—as discussed in A Wilderness of Mirrors linked to above—is a reality and should always be understood as being an operative factor in all things political; especially as it relates to national security, such as say—election Management Systems.
I originally starting working on this piece of writing quite some time ago, but as may be understood things got a little chaotic.
I think the best way to see Project 2025 in action is to read some selected excerpts from chapter 18 and then follow those up with some selected legal actions directly connected to the goals of Project 2025.
At the heart of The Conservative Promise [Project 2025] is the resolve to reclaim the role of each American worker as the protagonist5 in his or her own life and to restore the family as the centerpiece of American life. [Emphasis added RJR]
This narrative misdirection is in reality not actually for “The good of the American family,” as implied in any sense of beneficially advantageous, but rather is better understood as meaning for the proper moral constraining of the American family.
What exactly might be the things concerning labor and the average family that are so central to the movement; well the majority of the chapter is devoted to the following points:
Provide robust protections for religious employers.
Issue an executive order protecting religious employers and employees. The President should make clear via executive order that religious employers are free to run their businesses according to their religious beliefs, general nondiscrimination laws notwithstanding, and support participation of religious employees and employers as federal contractors and in federal activities and programs.
Clarify Title VII’s religious organization exemptions. Congress should clarify Title VII’s religious organization exemptions to make it more explicit that those employers may make employment decisions based on religion regardless of nondiscrimination laws.
Provide Robust Accommodations for Religious Employees.
Reorient enforcement priorities. EEOC should reorient its enforcement priorities toward claims of failure to accommodate disability, religion, and pregnancy (but not abortion).
Sabbath Rest. God ordained the Sabbath as a day of rest, and until very recently the Judeo-Christian tradition sought to honor that mandate by moral and legal regulation of work on that day. Moreover, a shared day off makes it possible for families and communities to enjoy time off together, rather than as atomized individuals, and provides a healthier cadence of life for everyone. Unfortunately, that communal day of rest has eroded under the pressures of consumerism and secularism, especially for low-income workers.
To be sure I have provided merely a glimpse of the 37 pages that compose the chapter in its entirety. For the purpose of this report the selected quotes fit the current evidences of Project 2025 activity already and currently underway mission focused on accomplishing the above noted goals.
The good of the American family is at the heart of conservative labor policy recommendations. 67
I read this as a duplicitous closing line.
What follows are just a few examples of what has, is, and will be snaking hydra-like throughout the American justice systems all across the land.
Why would any reasonable thinking individual accept or allow any such excessive minority control over their very own life?
Especially given the many individuals and organizations named throughout these websites and documents. Take some time and look through this material and realize just how deep this rabbit hole goes; this is a reality that for some strange reasons the main stream media and the legacy press just seem unwilling or unable to address or properly report about.
November 18, 2024
Attorneys for Amazon and Elon Musk’s SpaceX argued in a federal appeals court Monday that the National Labor Relations Board’s structure is unconstitutional, advancing a legal fight that may last into the Trump administration where Musk is expected to oversee bureaucratic cost-cutting. [continues]
Amazon and Elon Musk’s SpaceX challenge labor agency’s constitutionality in federal court
Two plutocrats join forces against the proletariats by way of attacking our Republic’s constitutional standing structure.
June 7, 2024
The U.S. Supreme Court’s June 2023 ruling in Groff v. DeJoy constitutes a major change in the legal landscape involving religious accommodation in the workplace. The Court’s decision clarified a heightened standard for determining whether a religious accommodation causes “undue hardship on the conduct of the employer’s business” under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. [continues]
Trump appointee Louis DeJoy doing the job of bringing home the Sabbath Day accommodation effort; as further explicit material reveals.
July 5, 2023
In Groff v. DeJoy, a unanimous Court reevaluated its precedent and announced a new rule: to deny a religious accommodation, an employer must show that the burden of accommodation “is substantial in the overall context of an employer’s business.” [continues]
Groff v. DeJoy: Supreme Court Clarifies Employment Protections for Religious Workers
Just scroll on down through this next webpage to the third section concerned with name, address, phone and behold the wondrous array of transcendental epistemological black holes known as religion; that which wants your devotion whether willingly or unwillingly.
Naturally there is always a bigger plan than the big plan.
November 1, 2024
Many, many people have warned that Trump is a threat to American democracy. Many others have argued that these warnings are politically inert, that focusing on abstract concepts like “democracy” and “the rule of law” removes political debate from the concrete concerns people want addressed by government. Do people struggling to pay the bills have time to care about such matters of principle?
Yet in reality, the two things are inseparable. Trump’s plan to turn the government into a tool of his own personal will would have extraordinary consequences for Americans’ everyday lives. It would disrupt, or potentially even devastate, core functions of government that we’ve long taken for granted.
The Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division is a case in point.
Founded by the 1957 Civil Rights Act, the Division is tasked with enforcing federal law regarding anti-discrimination and civil equality. This is a mammoth responsibility, covering areas of law that shape the fundamental experience of American democracy. Its attorneys launch hate crimes prosecutions, investigate discrimination in employment and housing, and sue states when their voting rules run afoul of the 1965 Voting Rights Act.
If Trump returns to power, the department could easily be turned from a tool for protecting civil rights into a means of undoing them. Trump and his allies have laid out fairly specific plans for doing just that — plans that, if enacted, would mean a far more radical and methodical transformation of the federal rights civil apparatus than what we saw in Trump’s shambolic first term.
Inside Trump’s ominous plan to turn civil rights law against vulnerable Americans
And last but most certainly not least let us not forget the elusive Leonard Leo, a slippery worm indeed.
September 12, 2024
Leonard Leo, the conservative activist with an estimated $1 billion at his disposal, is threatening to withhold money from the dozens of groups he supports unless they develop plans to "weaponize" their ideas.
Why it matters: Leo's call for conservative groups to get more aggressive will send shockwaves through the right-wing ecosystem he helped create.
Groups such as Teneo, Honest Elections Project, Consumers's Research and Do No Harm are examples of organizations that have adopted the kind of aggressive tactics Leo encourages, according to a source close to the 85 Fund. [continues]
Scoop: Activist Leonard Leo pushes to "weaponize" conservatives
It has been a busy week. The next big date on all calendars should be December 11, 2024 State certification deadlines.
Thank you for reading,
Robert J. Rei, December 6, 2024
Inside Trump’s ominous plan to turn civil rights law against vulnerable Americans, Zack Beauchamp, November 1, 2024, VOX,
KL: A History of the Nazi Concentration Camps, Nikolaus Wachsmann, 2015, Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, New York; Page 100
The biblical story the Christian right uses to defend Trump, Tara Isabella Burton, March 5, 2018, VOX,
The use of the word “protagonist” should be understood as being used for the purpose of narrative misdirection with the intent to infuse into readers in an abstract and most subtle manner into their minds and thinking that they are the “heroes” of Berry’s vision of reimagining his White Christian nationalist ideas of “Family” as the “centerpiece of American life;” Berry’s use of narrative misdirection is necessary in order to provide support for this false hero paradigm he creates, because otherwise if the average reader actually understood the contents of chapter 18 they would come to realize and recognize that they will not be heroes, but rather they will become victims of an ideological system of thought (Biblical Christianity) that will oppress, plunder, and ravage all of their wealth and properties in service and tribute to the God of the Ziklag—(see also—
Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise, Project 2025 Presidential Transition Project, Foreword by Kevin D. Roberts, PhD, Edited by Paul Dans and Steven Groves, Chapter 18-Jonathan Berry, 2023, Heritage Foundation,
Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise, Project 2025 Presidential Transition Project, Foreword by Kevin D. Roberts, PhD, Edited by Paul Dans and Steven Groves, 2023, Heritage Foundation,