“The enemy has only images and illusions behind which he hides his true motives. Destroy the image, and you will break the enemy.”1
First things first:
The election process is not over.
The Associated Press (AP) is not the Federal Election Commission (FEC), and so therefore a legacy press organization making a “call” on who won or who lost this election is not, I repeat, NOT an official validation of the popular vote or the electoral college vote.
At this early stage in the process I expect that the Harris-Walz campaign is actively working with its army of lawyers and law firms which over “the past four years,” has accumulated “400 lawyers on staff, including two former US solicitor-generals, and 10,000 more on call across the 50 states, working on legal drafts to scenarios that could arise in legal combat.”2 While this army has been built up and organized around the central goal of combating any and all claims of election fraud that the Trump campaign might have raised in objection to Vice President Harris securing the final election win, in light of what is being reported the voting numbers appear to be in favor of Trump; this to be perfectly clear on its surface appears to be and is a shocking, disturbing, and most unwelcome development. As I noted Harris is no doubt working with her army of lawyers, and is in all likelihood transitioning from a defensive stance to an offensive stance to craft and create the absolutely necessary legal challenges that should be made against installing a convicted criminal into the White House.
One of the reasons I voted for Kamala Harris is that I trust she will not just accept the results without a fight. For decades now republican voters have cast their ballots for their choice of candidate full well expecting that if their choice wins and gains a seat in government that their choice of policy/law-maker will without question push for a conservative agenda without compromise, while for some strange reason Democratic winners are expected to play nice and compromise, even when it is to their disadvantage; this is, to put the matter quite simply, stupid.
I did not vote for any democratic politician to become compromised by compromise, no I voted for my choices of government leaders in order for them to advance a liberal agenda and deny the conservatives of this country any and all opportunities to drag our country backwards in time, nor did I elect any politician to work in an agreeable way with cheaters, criminals, liars, racists, *rapists—ecetera, etcetera, etcetera!
There is never any possibility of making peace with zealots.
Now is not the time to play nice. I refuse to “get along” with anyone who voted for Trump.
Now, I am way too hot under the collar to actually attempt to write with my usual objectivity. So with that in mind and the simple reminder that it is not over yet and I full well expect and support Vice President Harris to fight these results with tooth and nail if necessary, and I am prepared to join her without hesitation;
This following item regarding the transition process is incredibly important. This is how dictatorships gain their toeholds in situations that are typically extremely difficult in which to gain command and control. It is also especially important in the light of the fact that Trump and his entire cabal are without question genuinely dangerous national security risks.
Ranking Member Raskin Presses Donald Trump and JD Vance to Stop Obstructing the Transition Process and to Commit to Orderly Transfer of Power: The Republican Nominee is the First Major Party Candidate Ever to Refuse to Sign MOUs in the Presidential Transition Planning Process
Washington, D.C. (October 23, 2024)—With less than two weeks until the 2024 presidential election, Rep. Jamie Raskin, Ranking Member of the Committee on Oversight and Accountability, sent a letter to former President Donald Trump and Senator JD Vance urging the Republican presidential campaign to sign key documents that ensure continuity of government and help facilitate a peaceful and orderly transition of power.
The Republican nominee’s failure to sign these documents—which have already been submitted by the Democratic nominee and which trigger government transition funding, planning assistance, and critical information—is a stunning departure from the norms of the federal government and threatens to disrupt continuity in the transition from one administration to the next.
October 23, 2024
The following description can easily be adapted to describe modern day American White Christian nationalism.
Zealot, member of a Jewish sect noted for its uncompromising opposition to pagan Rome and the polytheism it professed. The Zealots were an aggressive political party whose concern for the national and religious life of the Jewish people led them to despise even Jews who sought peace and conciliation with the Roman authorities. A census of Galilee ordered by Rome in ad 6 spurred the Zealots to rally the populace to noncompliance on the grounds that agreement was an implicit acknowledgment by Jews of the right of pagans to rule their nation.345 [Emphasis added]
Perhaps the simplest way to describe the disturbing phenomena of people, most notably the so-called Christians of this country, voting for Trump is to realize and understand that Donald Trump is the American Protestant peoples’ Pope (Latin papa, from Greek pappas, “father”) and for American Roman Catholics Trump is a shadow-Pope who can and will do for them and their ideology those things that Frances of Argentina cannot and will not do for them.
For those who revere the Pope he is what is known as the Vicar of Christ, that is to say Frances of Argentina is The representative of a supposedly supernatural being who is understood to be THE SUPREME LEADER of all that exists.
So then in short form a vote for Donald Trump was for all purposes a vote for God. This one point is I suspect the single greatest missed element to all electioneering efforts by Democratic voters. The election of a President for movement-conservative aligned forces from the late 1960s has always been laser-focused on putting God into the White House and by extension in command and control of the “Nation.”
If it is not already clear by now please allow me to spell it out for all to see with their own eyes:
Like many people I have full well expected some type of cheating or covert attempt to steal the election, what I did not expect was that the Project 2025 messaging machine would be so effective; Project 2025? Yes, consider the fact that this blatantly seditious attempt to convert the USA into a theocracy actually has a genuinely significant network of organizations and people. The number of Advisory Board members associated with Project 2025 when last I checked was up to 114 organizations that are spread out all across the country; while everyone was focusing on the “plan document” part of things, the 114 organizations were busy bees buzzing around pollinating evangelical and catholic believers alike with motivation to cast a proxy-vote for God by way of Donald Trump. I realize that this might sound crazy to many people, but I know evangelicals all too well having spent many of my younger adult years in fellowship with many of them from across the whole spectrum of Protestant Christianity, from casual liberals to extreme fundamentalists; when it comes to the “Law” Christians cannot really be trusted to Not craft laws that create genuinely real discriminatory situations and elevate religious adherents over and above non-religious persons. Just look at the issue of abortion.
Now the problem in identifying and dealing with these soldiers for Christ is that Christians are perhaps one of the most decentralized demographics in the country, this of course was a problem and had always been a problem for movement-conservatism forces, especially in the light of the fact that liberal democratic forces are actually highly organized by the principles of American law already. After all this has been the thorn in the side of conservative forces for as long as the Federal bureaucracy has been in place and developing. As Spencer Chretien Associate Director of the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 stated so clearly back in January 2023, “For decades, as the left has continued its march through America’s institutions, conservatives have been outgunned and outmatched when it comes to the art of government.”6 [Emphasis added]
The items that follow are here presented for the simple purpose of creating an immediate snapshot for readers to consider. I will be writing much more extensively on these and other closely related matters on a twice-a-week basis, as time and life circumstances permit, from this point onward.
The Truth and Liberty Coalition (TLC) is arguably the backbone of the White Christian nationalist movement (also known as The Seven Mountains Mandate). This organization impacts, influences, and informs millions of US citizens and due to the very nature of biblical conformity successfully directs huge swaths of the population with instructions about how to vote and how to convert the country into their own ideas of what they think should be the constitutional make-up of America.
Truth & Liberty Foundation educates, unifies and mobilizes believers in Jesus Christ to affect the reformation of nations through the seven mountains of cultural influence.
Lance Wallnau is a name that has shown up throughout the past year as a voting influencer, he is also one of the founding members of the TLC7
Lance Wallnau, a firebrand leader of the nation's growing grassroots evangelical movement, says it initially took some convincing to persuade evangelical Christians to recognize former President Donald Trump as divinely chosen to navigate these chaotic times.
"I got a lot of pushback after he got elected," Wallnau said in a rare network television interview with CBS News, "because there was searching around for how — how could the evangelicals justify voting for some barbaric character like Trump? I said, 'Listen, give the guy some time. He doesn't know who we are, but his values resonate with our community.'" (September 4, 2024)
Evangelical leader Lance Wallnau pitches Trump to followers as divinely chosen for presidency
Charlie Kirk8 is a member of The Teneo Network, which is something I have been investigating for awhile now.
Today, Kirk and Turning Point are dominant forces in the Republican Party and MAGA movement, working directly with the Trump campaign on voter outreach while reaching millions of listeners through Kirk’s daily radio show and podcast. Along the way, Kirk has become one of the nation’s most prominent voices calling on Christians to view conservative political activism as central to Jesus’ calling for their lives. (June 12, 2024)
Charlie Kirk once pushed a 'secular worldview.' Now he's fighting to make America Christian again.
Kirk and Wallnau are birds of a feather and are funded in large part by the Ziklag, and essentially represent the protestant side of White Christian nationalism, as can be seen in the following linked to investigative report published by Pro-Publica this past July.
The group’s spending is not on the scale of major conservative funders such as Miriam Adelson or Barre Seid, the electronics magnate who gave $1.6 billion to a group led by conservative legal activist Leonard Leo. But its funding and strategy represent one of the clearest links yet between the Christian right and the “election integrity” movement fueled by Trump’s baseless claims about voting fraud. Even several million dollars funding mass challenges to voters in swing counties can make an impact, legal and election experts say.
Ziklag was the brainchild of a Silicon Valley entrepreneur named Ken Eldred. It emerged from a previous organization founded by Eldred called United In Purpose, which aimed to get more Christians active in the civic arena, according to Bill Dallas, the group’s former director. United In Purpose generated attention in June 2016 when it organized a major meeting between then-candidate Trump and hundreds of evangelical leaders. (July 13, 2024)
Inside Ziklag, the Secret Organization of Wealthy Christians Trying to Sway the Election and Change the Country [Emphasis added]
Leonard Leo who is mentioned in the above quote on the Ziklag is clearly and obviously the point man and general leader of the Roman Catholic contributions to the advancement of a White Christian nationalist theocracy, though he disagrees with the designation of theocracy preferring rather to describe his ideology in the following way:
Through it all, Leo has remained defiant. His vision goes beyond a judiciary stocked with Federalist Society conservatives. It is of a country guided by higher principles. “That’s not theocracy,” he recently told a conservative Christian website. “That’s just natural law. That’s just the natural order of things. It’s how we and the world are wired.”
As mentioned above a significant problem that faces those who would fight back against these biased, discriminatory, and ultimately seditious intentions are oftentimes confounded by the decentralized nature of these enemies of Democracy, especially when trying to identify those individuals who are operating within the confines and under the auspices of any number of the known organizations in partnership with Project 2025.
On the Roman Catholic side of the coin is Leonard Leo; an individual who wields an obscene amount of control and influence within American Government. Unlike his protestant brethren Leonard’s personal networking efforts have surpassed anything that the older legacy movement-conservatism proponents have been able to produce to date.
Leonard’s networks are not decentralized and in fact are quite well organized; I would argue that at this point in time the greatest threat Leonard Leo poses for American democracy is his chairmanship of The Teneo Network, which is for all purposes an openly secretive domestic espionage organization, from my perspective.
To show how successful the Teneo Network has become infiltrating American society, such as for example, Melissa Holyoak the recently appointed commissioner of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC),9 “You are a member of the Teneo Network, a network with plans to “crush liberal dominance” -Chair Maria Cantwell (D-WA)10. [* Edited to include “rapist”]
And it might come as shock of concern to many to learn that JD Vance is a member of the Teneo Network also.
As I sit here and type this out I must insist that anyone who is preparing for the many battles we are all about to face with the fallout from this election cycle confront the fact that the Teneo Network and its members must be brought out into the light and exposed as a covering organization to act as Leonard Leo’s own personal domestic intelligence service.
Outside of the Teneo Network and the Federalist Society, also a distinctly Leonard Leo influenced organization, Leo has one of the most powerful voices and measures of influence in the American Roman Catholic sphere. I strongly recommend reading the following long, but very informative article about Leonard’s status, stature, and standing amongst Catholics of all persuasions in America.
"Leo wanted to see his own moral principles become the law of the land. And now he wants his moral principles to be the culture of the land,"
Leonard Leo, architect of conservative Supreme Court, takes on wider culture January 4, 2024, [Emphasis added]
So then in closing for this essay, with the understanding that more will be written on all these matters, I would like to leave you with four final items to ruminate upon and use as motivations to inspire one to learn to be as one who has ears to hear and eyes to see and realize that things are not always as they seem on the surface; what follows below are some very important items that once again have clearly and obviously been repressed by the Press.
The Stasi didn't just infiltrate and monitor, as the prison at Berlin-Hohenschönhausen with its 103 cells and 230 interrogation rooms, now a memorial, shows. More than 72,000 were jailed for trying simply to leave the republic, of an estimated 250,000 political prisoners over the four decades of the German Democratic Republic (or DDR).
Over time, Stasi procedures turned away from the use of explicit terror, however, to more indirect forms of intimidation, surveillance and control. It perfected a technique known as Zersetzung (literally, “decomposition”), of continual psychological harassment, aimed at damaging the reputations and relationships of their subjects, causing them to lose the will to continue with their activities, a prototype of fake news.
But it had a harder dimension. Bugging, mysterious phone calls, wire-tapping, sabotage of cars, openly filming the subject, break-ins, provocation, and smear campaigns were among the methods employed, all of which could be plausibly denied, today as then.
The Russians had a word for this: Kompromat — literally compromising information about a subject that could be used for damaging publicity or even blackmail. It might be factual, or it might be forged. It has frequently involved the intersection of the world's oldest and second-oldest professions.
As the old saying goes, the more things change, the more they remain the same.
October 21, 2024
Prosecutors today charged two Readington Township women connected to a faction of the local Republican Party with planting a recording device at a local restaurant to record a private meeting of two elected officials who were their political opponents.
Readington GOP leaders charged with placing a listening device to eavesdrop on rival’s meeting [Emphasis added]
March 7, 2020
Erik Prince, the security contractor with close ties to the Trump administration, has in recent years helped recruit former American and British spies for secretive intelligence-gathering operations that included infiltrating Democratic congressional campaigns, labor organizations and other groups considered hostile to the Trump agenda, according to interviews and documents.
Prince, the former head of Blackwater Worldwide and the brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, has at times served as an informal adviser to Trump administration officials. He worked with the former national security adviser Michael Flynn during the presidential transition. In 2017, he met with White House and Pentagon officials to pitch a plan to privatize the Afghan war using contractors in lieu of American troops. Jim Mattis, then the defense secretary, rejected the idea.
Erik and Betsy Devos have both been guest speakers at annual Teneo Network Conferences.
October 21, 2024
“A group of operatives linked to former President Donald Trump allegedly conducted a surveillance campaign against senior Democratic lawmakers, in a purported attempt to get compromising information on them that could be leveraged for political gain, according to a letter sent to members of the intelligence committees by a whistleblower with knowledge of the actions.”
“The operation consisted of gathering images of politicians and people that they were meeting with, including from cameras inside the Dirksen and Hart Senate office buildings, from operatives on the ground, and on social media, the whistleblower said. The operatives then utilized facial recognition technology to identify people who were meeting and working with the lawmakers.”
““The mission of the intelligence operation is to generate false information and deploy that information into both public and non-public channels to affect decision-making at local, state, and federal levels of governance, including voting,” the letter said.”
“According to the letter, another reason the whistleblower is coming forward is out of concern for future disinformation surrounding the 2024 election. Some of the same figures allegedly involved in the surveillance were also working to undermine confidence in the integrity of prior elections, the whistleblower stated.
The letter also alleges that operatives involved in the surveillance operation sought to potentially compromise and breach voting machines.
“There are deep and concerning national security implications, including issues relating to the 2020 and 2024 presidential elections,” the letter stated.”
So, yes, with all the above in mind, why would I or anyone be surprised, if Trump did actually cheat by way of a little help from his friends.
Just Saying…
Thank you for reading.
Robert J. Rei, Fall River, MA November 6, 2024
Enter the Dragon, Roy Chiao: “Shaolin Abbott” (Guest Star), 1973, Warner Brothers, https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0070034/characters/nm0152054
Could the election results be contested? Lawyers prepare for scrap, Josie Ensor, November 4, 2024, The Times, https://www.thetimes.com/world/us-world/article/could-election-results-be-contested-2024-t37fx3fdv
Zealot, The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, Adam Zeidan revisions and updates, Britannica, https://www.britannica.com/topic/Temple-of-Jerusalem
ZEALOTS, Kaufmann Kohler, Jewish Encyclopedia, 2002-2021, The Kopelman Foundation, https://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/15185-zealots
Who Were the Zealots?, Doug Culp, May 1, 2021, The Valley Catholic, https://thevalleycatholic.org/who-were-zealots
Project 2025, Spencer Chretien, January 31, 2023, Heritage Foundation, https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/project-2025
Lance Wallnau, retrieved November 6, 2024, Truth and Libedrty Coalition, https://www.truthandliberty.net/bios/lance-wallnau
Our Founder, Charlie Kirk, Retrieved November 6, 2024, Turning Point USA, https://www.tpusa.com/meetthefounder
Melissa Holyoak, retrieved November 6, 2024, Federal Trade Commission, https://www.ftc.gov/about-ftc/commissioners-staff/melissa-holyoak
“You are a member of the Teneo Network, a network with plans to “crush liberal dominance” and a website “crafted so as not to pique the interest of Senate staffers who might look up the group if one of its members mentions Teneo during a confirmation process for a judgeship or a cabinet position” according to ProPublica reporting”—SENATE COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE, SCIENCE, AND TRANSPORTATION, DEMOCRATIC QUESTIONS FOR THE RECORD, September 20, 2023, https://www.commerce.senate.gov/services/files/344C14E7-E7AC-42D4-82DF-0E3DEE14E951
Thanks for your hard work bearing witness to these wicked Times. The Stasi parallels are particularly familiar having been targeted by the UK’s Metropolitan Police Special unit back in the 1970s for my joining and supporting of environmental groups. The more these systemic ‘spooky’ networks and serial abusers of power are exposed to the light, the better.