Why should we have to tolerate MAGA objections to our questions, when silence only works for them and works against us?
This is a brief follow-up to my previous newsletter that discussed the 3%-Shave and the 65% of voters polled who thought that voting fraud and irregularities had occurred in the 2024 election.
I am just going to post a screen shot below of another analysis I had requested via GPT.
As can be seen 21 states show a 3%+ shift to the Republican candidate, of the total 23 states shown two show higher shifts at 7.1% and 4.5% for Nevada and New Hampshire respectively; while only one state remained democratic—Washington with a .08% increase towards the Democratic candidate.
I could not find many news reports or other writings about this unusual and seemingly unnatural result; the few I could find are all linked to below.
Not one of them considers any possibilities of an artificial or manipulated election voting result. It is as if what happened is completely acceptable, when in fact it is not.
America's Red Shift: Map Shows How Much Each State Moved Toward Trump, November 6, 2024, updated November 7.
The Red Wave Didn’t Hit Statehouses in This Election, November 21, 2024
Nationwide 'Red Wave' Shocks Democrats: 'Every State Shifted Toward GOP in 2024 Election', November 27, 2024
The statistical possibility of such a nearly perfect uniform result as depicted above is very low; factor in the likelihood of fraud, manipulation, tampering, irregularities, and any number of other potential exploitable system-vulnerabilities, etcetera and this strange result then becomes highly suspect and signals the need for a forensic audit of all American Election Management systems.
Thank you for reading,
Robert J. Rei, November 28, 2024
Suggested reading:
Thank you, Robert. Something is definitely amiss. It feels way too homogeneous a result for 49 out of 50 states to move to the right, with the number 3% cropping up time and again. Please keep pushing.